Ange Monitto Ange Monitto

The importance of Movement after your Sound Healing session

After a sound healing session, vibrations and frequencies recalibrate our energy fields and it's common for stored tensions and emotions to surface. These energies accumulate over time from life experiences and traumas. Sound healing can help to bring these energies to the surface where they can be acknowledged and released. However, if left unprocessed, these energies can lead to imbalances, which is whyt it’s important to include movement into your practice.

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Ange Monitto Ange Monitto

How Sound Healing Works: The Science behind it

Dive into the transformative world of sound healing and discover how vibrations can rejuvenate mind, body, and spirit. From ancient practices to modern therapies, explore the science behind this holistic approach to wellness and embark on your journey to inner harmony.

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